this was my first year going to MoCCA's art & comics festival in new york, and what a treat it was. a little more my style than SPX had been back in the fall, i enjoyed MoCCA most of all for the familiar faces of those artists gil and i had interviewed for taffy hips.
the first person i recognized in the mass of fans, artists, and publishers was james mcshane, chatting over kramer's 7 at the buenaventura press table. james was our very first interview victim for taffy hips issue # 1 -- almost a year ago! phew, time flies! re-listening to his interview was a good time capsule for the magazine. { check out his blog for free downloadable comics! }
austin english {{ who i interviewed for TH#3 last month }} was there premiering his new third issue of the anthology/magazine Windy Corner, which looks great! at a signing later at GRNY, i got to meet a few more of the artists from WC, particularly sakura maku, who's comic was especially lovely.
matthew thurber {{ interviewed/editorialized in issue #2 }} was in fine form as well -- with a few new things at the picture box table, including a new issue of his comics 1-800-MICE. this third issue is larger, on thick white paper but lacks nothing of the frenzy of the first two pamphlet issues. in fact, the narrative seems to find itself even more willingly and cunningly; though, it does end on a bit of a cliff hanger... will the volcano explode and kill everyone?? matthew, i need to know!! then again, if this means more issues to come, i'm willing to hold my horses. /// check out thurber's new "interesting" gallery if you live in nyc!
of course, there were many other amazing gals and gents at MoCCA {{ lilli carré !! mollie goldstrum !! (the elusive) ron rege jr !! }} and despite it being a day drenched in sweat, it was thoroughly enjoyable.
thanks all !!
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