dear readers,
we thank you for your patience and your submissions. we collected a lot of great stuff and in the end decided to save some for later print issues while still keeping this issue well-fed.
here are the contributors for our 60-page digital issue:
margaret powers gil gentile maggie wong
mark hensel joe clower jenny joyal
zara messano beth slutsky lauren klotzman
zac singer alex miller sam gaskin
ryan baker green lan pham ralph gentile
jamie kansler emily eder
myles lawson thomas trudgeon
thank you to every who submitted/supported this effort, there will be many more opportunities to be included in later issues, so keep sending your art/comics our way!
apologies for any errors, all work copyright its respective creators
$$$ more on hardcopies and musical accompaniment soon $$$
1 comment:
i want it but that don't work
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